Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Little Thing Called… Bible Study!

For the last six Monday nights we have gotten together for some great Bible Study.  No matter how tired we are after work, or how much we just want to stay home with our families… we are here and committed to studying the book of Esther.  With each other and Beth Moore, I think we would all say that we leave refreshed and blessed every Monday night.

Melissa was modeling the workbook for us in this picture.

And Robin was waving hello asking me to take more picture of her. *wink, wink 046

Live action shot of half of the group digging in to the weeks lesson. 048

Janet didn’t know I was taking her picture… but Charlotte did.049 
Our fearless leader.050 
Like Hollie said this week… It seems like every week Beth Moore is talking straight to me and saying something that I need to hear. 

What has stood out to you in the last six weeks? 
(If you have done day one of week six this will help you with the personal question on page 134)
I have learned a lot in these weeks, and enjoyed every minute.  It has been challenging, but great at the same time.  I have come face to face with my insecurities…. and at the same time feel God’s comforting peace.  A couple of my favorite things have been in the last two weeks. 

Many of you know that I have lost two dear friends very suddenly.  Back in June of 2008 when Courtney died, I can pin point the night that I let fear take over.  Since then the enemy has been using this against me.  I have been fearful of everything…. Sure there were times when I let my faith lead me through the valleys, but really… I was a scared little girl inside.  In session four, Beth Moore said some things that really opened my eyes to this bondage.  She encouraged us to be brave and courageous, saying we are only one decision away from the most important step.  We don’t deny our fears, we just deny it’s power over us.  She continued the idea of having freedom from fear, teaching us about conditional faith…. It’s not enough to believe that what we fear the most will never happen.

I needed to hear this lesson in the worst way.  I have been praying constantly that God would increase my faith and decrease my fears.  I want to make decisions out of wisdom, not fear.  God offers us His very presence… so I can be convinced that I am brave and courageous.  Courage is not the absence of fear… It’s knowing that there is something so much better!  Take that!  Take courage!  Do not give in to vain imagination.

The second thing that I just loved and have been thinking about every minute since she said it on Monday is concept of waiting on the Lord.  I have heard this sooo many times… It was even read at my wedding… but it never clicked like this before.  Session five was about the importance of knowing when it’s time.  We all get impatient and things in our society just keep pushing immediate gratification, BUT if we cannot wait on the Lord, we will not fulfill our destinies.

Too many time we are waiting on the thing.  Right now I am personally waiting on several huge things in my life.  Our strength will just continue to expire if we continue to wait to the thing…. We wait on the Lord.  The longer we wait on the Lord, the more our strength is renewed.  Exalt God to the position to fight for you, humble yourself, and live a life full of passion and patience. 

That is far too much from me... I want to know about you.  Please take time to comment and tell us what God is showing you.
Also, if God is showing you too much to fit in a comment, please feel free to email me a new post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the waiting for things. I've got to focus on waiting on God's plan and His timing, instead of my own. When I plan something, I always want it RIGHT NOW and think it's the best, but God always does what's best, even if I don't see what it is til later down the road.
    This bible study has helped me have more faith in God that His ways are not my ways - thank goodness! :)
