Monday, November 28, 2011



{Proverbs 3:5-6}

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Trusting the Lord is sometimes, well more often than not, deliberately choosing to rejoice in situations that we do not understand.  Situations of life that we find ourselves scratching our heads, bowing our hearts, and bending to our knees over, produce in us a powerful faith that overcomes the darkness. 

I have recently experienced one such situation in my life.  It was a situation that would have brought great amounts of joy, life and purpose, and at the same time would have been a long time commitment to responsibility that I felt I was ready to embrace.  In the moments that I first realized that this situation was not going to play out, I experienced something that I had only in my life heard about before.  Dear sisters, I was sad…yes sad…but I was not destroyed by the fact that it wasn’t going to happen.  I was not destroyed, because in the past several months, God has been building in me a very deep trust in Him.  In my past, I would have trusted…sure I would have…but I would have done so kicking and screaming and wanting to know why I couldn’t have my own way.  You know what I’m talking about.  Girlfriend, don’t be acting as if you haven’t had that moment…that’s right…one of those moments where we all but throw ourselves on the proverbial floor, and all but demand to know why we have been wronged…with all those thoughts of how unfair it is.  Those moments when we are grateful that no one was around to see it!  I bet you can think of one of those moments right now…I know you can testify, because we have ALL had those moments.  But because of what He has done in me, I can now simply say “ok Lord…I don’t understand, but okay.” 

AND GOD GETS THAT…He understands.

He knows we hurt.  He built that into us so that we could recognize our need for Him.  He sees each one of us, His precious little princesses and queens, and He desires to give us all good things.  At the exact same time He knows we hurt, but He longs for us to trust in Him and to know…that’s right I said KNOW… that He works all things for our good in the end.  Often times when we are removed from the moment, that could have caused us to despair, God can then show us why things happened the way they did.  Sometimes it is to protect us, sometimes to teach us, sometimes to draw us closer to Him, and precious friend, sometimes He does it so that when He gives us that desire of our heart, it is an EVEN SWEETER reward for our obedience to simply trust Him. 

It is HIS DESIRE that we trust with each thing we encounter, and praise Him that He is guiding our paths and working things out for our good.  Yes praise Him.  Let songs of joy resound from your heart and mouths even as the tears spill from your eyes…because He sees those and treasures them!!! Rejoice in the truth that HE loves you and is always in control despite what the circumstances may seem.
Check out:
Romans 8:26-28
1Thessalonians 5:16-18
Hebrews 10:23

I remember a song from a long time ago.  Its words are true and resound as the Holy Spirit rings them through my heart today.  I hope they resound within you as well:

God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
When you don’t see His plan,
When you can’t trace His hand,
Trust His heart.

{From Melicia Sharp}